Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How do I make a video scroll box on myspace to cover up the extended network box?

How do I make a video scroll box on myspace to cover up the extended network box like on this page?

How do I make a video scroll box on myspace to cover up the extended network box?

On your MySpace home page (the one that is pretty plain with 'edit profile' links beside your pic etc) click on the 'edit profile' link.

On the next page, where you edit 'about me' etc, at the far right is a blue link marked 'Song and video on profile'. Clicking on that will take you to a page where you can add the video scroll box that you found on that persons page.

Profile Video Player will let you search for videos to show/play on your page.

On the Profile Video Slider, make sure you select 'Show' and a menu will pop up to let you choose height, colours, etc for it.

Then click Save and it should show up, replacing your extended network banner.

Good luck.

How do I make a video scroll box on myspace to cover up the extended network box?

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table table table td {vertical-align:top ! important;}

span.blacktext12 {

visibility:visible !important;


background-image:url("!!!!Put the scroll box code within the area here!!!!");


background-position:center center;

font-size:0px; letter-spacing:-0.5px;

width:400px; height:200px; display:block !important; }

span.blacktext12 img {display:none;}


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