Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How do I get one of those myspace scroll boxes?

I want one that is not scrollable , but it shows one word then you click the down arrow and it shows the rest. It makes my profile more compact, but I can't seem to find one!

How do I get one of those myspace scroll boxes?

that's called a "dropdown list"


%26lt;option%26gt; item 1 %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option%26gt; item 2 %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option%26gt; item 3 %26lt;/option%26gt;

%26lt;option%26gt; item 4 %26lt;/option%26gt;


How do I get one of those myspace scroll boxes?

To Hide your Friends:

To make your comments scrollable:

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