Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Code for a scroll box on myspace?

what's the code to put a scroll box on my myspace profile? and please explain how to change the sizes, and colors/borders. thanks

Code for a scroll box on myspace?

here is a scroll box generator...

but ifyou want to try on your own ... here is the code

%26lt;div style="overflow:auto;background-color:#0... width:#px;height:#px;"%26gt;text or images go here%26lt;/div%26gt;

ok...if you want a different background color lets say white... remove the six 0s [zeros] and replace it with 6 F's

here is a page where you can find the colors

the size of the scroll box you can change it by replacing the #'s symbols with a number lets say 200 and 250

Code for a scroll box on myspace?

%26lt;div style="height:200px; width:200px; overflow:auto;"%26gt; TEXT HERE %26lt;/div%26gt;

to change font color

%26lt;font color=hotpink%26gt;

or any color

font size

%26lt;font size=1%26gt;

any number 1-7

%26lt;b%26gt; makes it bold

%26lt;i%26gt; italic

%26lt;s%26gt; strike through

:D :D :D

i hope this helped.

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